April Favourites
I am in love with these trousers! The fashion assistant at Woman & home had a pair like this but with a red stripe which were fantastic, so of course I asked her where she got them from - Very! They didn't have the red stripe ones but these were maybe better as they will go with more things. I worry slightly about wide trousers as I am so short - 5' 2" - but they are SO comfortable and everyone says they look fab!
More trainers! So, when you spend your whole life rushing around, walking a lot - to the station, around London to meetings etc. oh, and when you have bunions (old lady) you can't wear heels, well only when you want to dress up, what do you wear? Trainers of course! I love these as they rock 2 trends at once - metallic and flatforms, so they give me a bit of bling and a bit of height. Oh and very nicely placed on my dogtooth carpet from Britons.
Hair, where do I start......my hair isn't too bad, but like a lot of ladies my age, its coloured, and therefore damaged, and not in great condition, dry ends .... you know the drill. Then I found this amazing conditioner with keratin oil, it feels so silky when you put it on, and really helps the dryness. And I couldn't live without this Full Repair Touch Up Flyaway Tamer by John Frieda, it's like a clear mascara for your hair, so when you have all those short broken bits that stick up, where you have straightened it too much, usually around the front, you just smooth them flat. It lasts for ages too.
Reflexology - I have always been a cynic about alternative therapies until proven otherwise, so when someone suggested I try reflexology for my stressy neck and my arthritic knees, I thought why not. It was lovely.....my therapist, Pippa started with my head and touched all sorts of places to relieve tension in my neck then moved onto my feet and worked at the secret areas to ease the pain in my knees - brilliant! my knees felt like they used to and felt lighter - a revelation. It was really relaxing and I slept so well that night! I think I need regular sessions, but it was a fantastic experience.
Remember all that fuss at The Oscars when Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway announced the Oscar for the wrong film? Well this film rightly won. As it won, it was in cinemas again, and with an afternoon to kill I thought I would go and see it. WHAT a film, such a good story, heart-warming, challenging, real, different from anything I had seen for a long time. Definitely worth seeing.