Outdoor Living - Your outdoor area should be as stylish as your indoor space, so check out the late

Oh so stylish and a move on from the block all-weather rattan styles
Design Project chaise with table, £699, armchair £325, super stone coffee table, £200 johnlewis.com

Scandi-style outside, who says you can't have grey rattan and wooden legs
Weimar luxury recliner £299.99, Weimar 4 piece sofa set £699.99, Kala oxidised fire pit £69.99, Buddha head, £39.99 very.co.uk

Those classic chairs that everyone loves are now in funky colours and in metal so ideal for outdoors. Metal dining chairs, £129 for 2, Miami teak table £299 outandoutoriginal.com

Choose colourful tableware, mix and match the colours and make like you are in the Caribbean! Sugarbush terracotta tableware from £8 A for amara.com

Haven't got a pizza oven yet? Get with the beat! You can even get table top ones too.
Treviso pizza oven, £749.99 lahacienda.co.uk

It rarely stays warm in the evenings in this country, so a firepit is essential, love this modern version from a selection at smartfireuk.com
Luscious Lighting

What's not to love about a huge Anglepoise floor lamp?
Giant outdoor floor lamp, £3750 anglepoise.com

Why have ordinary outdoor lights when you can have these funky colourful versions?
Exo spheres, large £69.99 myfurniture.co.uk

Exposed filaments inside? Have them outside too.
Solar 365 string of 7 bulbs, £19.99 noma.co.uk

String lights add instant atmosphere, these lightbulb shape ones are fun and stylish, drape them between trees, around trees, along walls and rooflines.
Connectable cable festoon lights, £25 lights4fun.co.uk

Sigh ......who wouldn't want to be here, but if you haven't got your own Italian villa, you can still create the look, attached multi strands of fairy lights between 2 buildings for that romantic, holiday vibe.
Connectable fairy lights, £19.99 lights4fun.co.uk

Even the humble sprinkler gets in on the act. LED lights change for an ever changing display
Multi colour sprinkler £12.99 flopro-uk.com